Spiritual Direction

  • Spiritual direction is the prayerful companioning of one to another into a deeper awareness and experience of God’s presence and leading in the daily journey of life.

  • Spiritual direction is offered to any individual who is desiring to grow deeper in their faith and awareness of God’s presence in their life. As a director, I have no spiritual hierarchy; I am a fellow sojourner alongside you as we listen to the Trinity and dust for the fingerprints of God in your life together.

  • There is no right or wrong way for a session to be. Spiritual direction sessions happen slower than normal conversations and often include pauses for thought and prayer. There is much welcomed space for silence and reflection—not necessarily problem solving. There are also times when I offer various forms of prayer exercises as we discern areas of God’s work in your life.

  • Spiritual direction sessions are generally once a month for an hour. We meet in person if we’re close or I use multiple platforms for virtual sessions.

  • My fee scale is flexible to your financial needs.